Our story began in the 19th century when colorful characters like the resourceful ex-convict Charles Oates and his family planted the first apple trees in the Huon Valley. It's these scenic orchards that are now our backyard and the home to our distillery Carefully distilled in small batches, our apple spirits capture the pure apple flavours and aromas of pristine fruit grown in the misty Huon Valley in southern Tasmania. While our still was commissioned in 2016, the real story began in the Huon in the mid 1800’s with ex-convict and resourceful character, Charles Oates. It’s Charles’ descendants who continue to grow apples throughout the Valley today. Our uniquely crafted spirits are produced with these apples, that are pressed, fermented, distilled and aged on the farm. Head south from Hobart into the Huon Valley and join us for a tour of our distillery where we’ll introduce you to the process of creating our unique cider spirits.